Friday, January 28, 2011
I had one of my greatest night. :) I dunno how he felt. :) But yeah I felt really happy.
Forgetting everything and sharing all my stuff :):)
Met Ben at that stupid 144 steps to go Old School Timbre.
Like almost everything 86 :(:(
BAD BAD BAD! And 53A was playing :) It felt great.
After which, we went to Substation. Where I felt so much at home.
Sorry no photos. Cos its all with him.
I look damn cui. Now I cant sleep. :(
Waiting for Val to come over later. :)
I miss her! Like really alot! Cant wait. :)
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
3:43 AM
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I know it sounded quite crazy but I had been talking to this one person.
We had all the same hobbies? Same kinda of interest.
Talking to each other only through fb msg.
But kinda cool to know someone that have the exact same hobby as you :)
Yeah you know right. EXACTLY the same.
If you dunno it. Its guitar and photography. :)
3rd one, you wouldnt know it. :)
Okay stop procrastinating. I got to go back to work :)
Oh, by the way, does anyone could get isms for symbian phones?? :(:(
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
4:39 AM
I can't believe im awake at this unearthly hour studying maths and dynamics.
I think I got a little too many babies at work. Haha.
Nah. Im Jay's gf :) Okay. Im lesbian now. HAHAHAHA!
Can you believe it?
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
4:37 AM
Monday, January 24, 2011
Hey readers,
You guys must be wondering how did the meeting go?
I was too emotional and cried in front of director.
Okay, this is what he said:
Don't be like an ostrich saying im dying im dying. Cause that ostrich kept looking into that black hole.
Key is: Do something now. :) Which I have very little time to. 2 more weeks.
He also said that my marks are commentable. Which is a good thing and he felt that maths poke a hole in my confidence. :(
Yeah it sure did.
Okay, enough of blogging. Im shagging myself out. Got to start work alr.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
4:29 PM
Did a personality test. Does it sound like me?
"Where's the party?" ESFPs love people, excitement, telling stories and having fun. The spontaneous, impulsive nature of this type is almost always entertaining. And ESFPs love to entertain -- on stage, at work, and/or at home. Social gatherings are an energy boost to these "people" people.
SPs sometimes think and talk in more of a spider-web approach. Several of my ESFP friends jump from thought to thought in mid-sentence, touching here or there in a manner that's almost incoherent to the listener, but will eventually cover the waterfront by skipping on impulse from one piece of information to another. It's really quite fascinating.
New! ESFPs are attracted to new ideas, new fashions, new gadgets, new ______. Perhaps it's the newness of life that attracts ESFPs to elementary education, especially to preschool and kindergarten.
ESFPs love to talk to people about people. Some of the most colorful storytellers are ESFPs. Their down-to-earth, often homespun wit reflects a mischievous benevolence.
Almost every ESFP loves to talk. Some can be identified by the twenty minute conversation required to ask or answer a simple factual question.
Functional Analysis:Extraverted Sensing
The dominant function of ESFPs is concerned with the reality that is perceived through the senses. This type's prime directive is to examine the tangible through taste, touch, sight, feeling and hearing. ESFPs' need for new experiences surely results from this function. Feeling gives focus to the collected information, producing the amiable nature of this type. As perceivers, ESFPs do not linger on moral concerns unless it is in service of a Greater Good and/or a unifying cause.Introverted Feeling
Feeling, which tends to decision-making in the interest of individual beings, is auxiliary to sensing. As with all introverted functions, feeling for ESFPs has a surreal, cryptic, quintessential nature. It is more often implied than verbally expressed, more apparent in countenance and deed rather than word or creed. Feeling takes care that playful pokes and pranks do no harm to the victim.Extraverted Thinking
This tertiary function is at the ready to give definitive answers when the world requires them. It provides a measure of balance to Introverted Feeling, allowing the ESFP some level of boundary and protection from those who would take advantage. When overused or overestimated, however, Thinking becomes a liability. ESFPs do well to seek out confirmation of the soundness of tough-minded decisions.Introverted iNtuition
This function is least visible. As is the nature of the inferior (fourth) function, ESFP intuition lacks a sense of balance. This type seems most successful in deducing patterns and seeing connections only after a thorough examination of the facts (which process appears quite unorganized and haphazard to non-SPs). Although some ESFPs may develop such abilities, the mastery of logic, analysis and abstraction is usually difficult and wearying, and not very much fun.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
12:43 PM
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Okay, worked at J8. Met the same MC.. Haha!
He super fun to work with man! :):)
I wanna work for him the next time round :)
Oh well, the part timer that was working with him actually was his neighbour.
So cool right? Where got boss like that!
But really fun working with them :)
You guys must be thinking. What kind of job Im working?
Oh. Its the Ipad Challenge thing. You got to beat the highest score in the game "Real Racing".
And you will win something out of it. Its free. :)
Met Delvin awhile. Oh well, anyway.. Was alright.
Oh! After which. Finally met Jiro. Its like...
Dunno how many mths we been saying meet meet meet but didnt.
Finally saw him. A jap looking tall guy. LOL! I bet most girls would like him :)
Followed him to cut hair.
Tired max.
Thats my day.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
12:12 PM
The night be4 went meet up with Jordan for supper.
He fetched me home the next morning :)
Great to have a driver ard. :P
Went Marina Barrage with NYPPC members.
The weather was great. I was practically crazy the whole time.
So sorry that I came late. And left early as I had work at Timbre. :P
The whole day I ate chips and drink soft drinks.
OH! EPIC MOMENT! Shafi just tapped on the coke bottle and it burst!!! LOL!
And today was my first time flying a kite. It wasnt really easy.
I was like a kid today. Being loved, crazy, noisy, blowing bubbles, flying kite.
I am a happy girl! :):)
Thanks Rahim for fetching me to work.
Your great!! :):) If not I would be super late for work :P:P
Okay, today customers were quite friendly and little funny.
As you know my name is Hope.
Customers were all surprised by this name though.
Oh well.. and dirty minded customers were affected by the drink "Blowjob" and Sausage Platter.
You see. There is this shooter named: "Blowjob", or a drink "Sex on the beach", or "Pussyfoot".
How would you order?
Can I have a blowjob? =.= We had an awkward silence, looked at each other. Laughed. Okay.
And this group of guys were talking about sausage platters and things gone wrong.
Question: How big is the sausages? =.=
LOL! Okay.. Oh well. Fun times at work huh :)
On my way home in company van..
I saw a kitchen staff watching porn in the van. LOL!
Im like OMG! And pretend that I didnt see anything.
Okay, Im gonna be random here.
I WANT A BOYFRIEND! hahahahahaha! :P
He told me that he gonna sell porridge somewhere. LOL!
Have you seen a banker selling porridge? HAHA!
Thats my baby! LOL! The moment he told me over the phone.
I WAS LAUGHING SUPER HARD! Hahahah! Cannot imagine.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
4:40 AM
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Work was quite fun. Not much of a stress. Customers were friendly today.
Although kana molested by Jay a lot of times. LOL..
After work, went to find Jordan :)
For Supper.
Morning, he sent me home.
Now, im down with tireness.
Later got to go Marina Barrage and then work at timbre. Oh tiring day..
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
9:47 AM
Thursday, January 20, 2011
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
1:29 PM
I deleted your websites on my computer. Cause I don't ever wanna see you again.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
1:56 AM
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Yeah yeah yeah. Im killing myself. Im tiring myself.
Yeah yeah! I know I don't rest Im hurting my body.
I worked and study and tired myself.
Why? Cause everytime I closed my eyes I think of you!
Everytime I close my eyes I tell myself not to think of anything. But I cant.
I struggled every night. Every single freaking day dreaming of you like literally.
I had terrible time. Do you ever understand the root of the problem?
No you don't. Thanks for the word yeah.
Thank God I never dated you. Great! That sentence really hurts me.
Freak. I hate you. I hate myself.
Great job. Im not talking to you.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
3:28 AM
I doubt there would be anyone reading this blog. But well, Im still gonna blog.
Alright, the reason why I named myself Hope. Cause I wanted to give hope to others. But I guess I failed. I failed to be hopeful, and to be a hopeful person to others. Well, this is why I regretting now. Nevertheless, I still want to have that passion back to help people.
Anyone who knows me, yeah, Im working at Timbre Substation. Do come down and visit me okay? :)
Well, what else I have got to say?
My timetable is freaking packed. :( School, work, Cca. And I have not been attending church. Thats like really really bad :( Im thinking of staying at my godbro house. Wanna to run away from thinking too much.
Customers can be friendly or demanding. All you have to do is to be smiling all the time.
No matter what happens, just smile.
My brother is coming down to substation on 30 Jan! :) Before that Im heading down to cousin's place for a mini gathering and yeah. Down to work. Gonna see my bro friends.
Thanks Blink for telling the whole world I NEED A BOYFRIEND! Hahah! Its weird that when I go to work. Jay and Melissa come and said: Hey Hope, I heard you want to have a boyfriend.
Im like OMG! LOL! Who tell you that! The only one i know is Blink. RAWR!
Oh well :):) Jay and Blink can be one of my closest friend at work. Love you two :):)
Okay, come to CCA. Apparently, Im in committee now. Which I don't know what role Im taking. But Im in it. Photography is part of me. It has life in me but not that important. The most important its my studies.
Yeah. I miss God. I really do. I got to do quiet time, feel that peace and not going crazy :)
HOPE MUST DO IT! Yeah I must. No matter how hard it is. Im gonna bring the house down!
Signing off.
I miss you, :)
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
2:48 AM
Monday, January 17, 2011
Im really happy at my progress now cos I finally got my focus back.
Im really tired myself out.
And the reason why. Its to forget all the bad memories.
Im trying my best to survive, to continue in my studies.
I thank God that I know you guys.
Although we were over or whatsoever.
Although I was a little affected.
But I know that in future, there is this one guy out there.
Just right for me :):)
The time would be right, the feeling would be right.
Everything would be special and we would have our first.
So now. Putting all these emotionally stupid things aside.
Im concentrating on studies and yeah work.
Today really tiring day. Little workers LOTS OF CUSTOMERS!
But well, end of the day everyone worked hard and laughed hard. :)
I know im HOPELESS. But still. Im trying to adapt yeah.
I might not know what they speaking of me most of the times.
I don't wanna care. Cause. I work, i get the money. I just don't wanna care of enemies or whatsoever.
Although starting of the year wasnt so good for me.
But I believe that the rest of the 2011 would be good.
Hoping for that.
I love you Hope. Please ask God for strength to pull everything through.
Hope please be a little hopeful and stop thinking of TYL. Everything would be alright.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
3:01 AM
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Im so tired! :(:(
So little time to finish what i have to finish!!
OMG! :(:(
I got 4 more weeks to pass my maths before i get kicked out of course.
5 more weeks to finish 2 assignments or 3 assignments.
You know whats the best thing?
I don't even have a freaking partner for 1 of the assignment!
HOW TO DO! Omg~ If im gonna do it alone. I think Im gonna kill myself and yeah. Suicide now.
God, please give me guidance.
Im about to kill myself like literally.
This year didnt start out good.
I think its quite bad year for me alr.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
2:51 PM
Friday, January 14, 2011
I got to say. I cant help it but tears did rolled down that chubby cheeks of mine.
I learnt to move on. But heart aches came along. Its okay. I kept in silence for awhile.
Congrats! :) Give me some time to leave you off my mind.
I got to move on and get on with my life.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
1:57 AM
I don't want to hear any news from you.
It hurts too much. Way too much for me to handle
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
12:29 AM
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I screwed it up myself.
Im not ready for anything.
Im stucked.
Worked last night, saw Clarissa Yeo!
Like super long didnt see her! :P:P
Then got irritating customer.
Haha! But was fun after all.
Hand in allllllll my asssignments.
Now need to think how to improve it.
FML = Freak My Life.
HOPE! 1 more yr to go! Just 1 more yr! Don't screw this one up.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
7:36 PM
Monday, January 10, 2011
The matters of the heart is never easily solve.
Its complicated.
Time to move on.
Saving money, leaving this world..
Er. I meant this country.
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
4:38 PM
It's undeniable that we should be together
It's unbelievable how I used to say that I'd fall never
The basis is need to know if you don't know just how I feel
Then let me show you now that I'm for real
If all things in time, time will reveal, yeah
One, you're like a dream come true
Two, just wanna be with you
Three, girl, it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one, yeah yeah
It's so incredible, the way things work themselves out
And all emotional once you know what it's all about, hey
And undesirable for us to be apart
I never would've made it very far
'Cause you know you got the keys to my heart
'Cause, one, you're like a dream come true
Two, just wanna be with you
Three, girl, it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one
Say farewell to the dark of night, I see the coming of the sun
I feel like a little child whose life has just begun
You came and breathed new life into this lonely heart of mine
You threw out the lifeline just in the nick of time
One, you're like a dream come true
Two, just wanna be with you
Three, girl, it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one
This song, I dedicate it to you and her.
I was a little sad but Im fine.
Thats all Im saying. :)
Well, hows life for your 2011.
Mine was not that good. But I will hang on there.
Debarment meeting on Tuesday.
Mr Pang's words suddenly woke me up.
I did my assignments, but I didnt hand in.
Cos I felt its damn lousy.
He told me, running away when you didnt put things right?
Don't go school = debarment
Don't hang in work = repeat module.
Then I suddenly woke up.
Yeah man, what had I been thinking :(
I got 5 freaking weeks to catch up everything.
First! I got to get my maths done.
Worked at Timbre, sent my dear gf off from the airport.
Look at the time! Im freaking not tired. Oh God. :(
Tomorrow maths. I must go.
Thats all.
I think i look quite cui :(
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
3:39 AM
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Hey everyone!
Miss me right? Im here to clean some dust over here. :):)
Im thinking of changing my blogskin.
It still irritates me a lot when I don't have the easy way to upload my photos :(:(
Well, new year resolution would be coming up..
Just a little update. :)
Having Eye Infection now. :(
Went to take my pay but realised that boss wasn't around you know.
And Boss said he will transfer money to me but he haven't
Went to school to take my maths test.
Thank God I got the test paper somehow before taking it. :)
And I did it within 15 mins. Hope I pass or get an A or smth! :):)
After which meet the XOXO girls for DANZATION 2011! :)
Since our beautiful, gorgeous sexaye girl performing, how can we miss it.
The dance performance was great.
Of course my dear girl did great.
SHE WAS SMOKING HOT! Will upload some photos :)
But the storyline shocked me though.
To May:
You did well girl. The world will see the passion in you! :)
Jia you for tomorrow's night performance yeah?
You improved a lot. And really hot body that im super jealous :(:(
HAHA! I got to clear my fats first.
Anything, you have us to pull it through together okay?
Danzation makes me wanna learn lyrical hip hop soooooo bad. :(
I miss the feeling of dancing. Feeling the music, catching the beat with a cool simple step.
Dancing in a group that synchronise together. :(
Alright, new stuff got to save up yeah?
Will save up for upgrading my guitar skills and dance! :):)
Shall end here tonight. Update soon :)
♥There is always HOPE if you believe
1:01 AM